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Expert research

Tellure Rôta production activities are supported by the "TR Lab", and internal industrial-scientific testing and research facility that operates independently but in close liaison with the production departments.
This approach allows us to guarantee leading-edge solutions thanks to ongoing highly qualified research activities and the use of equipment and instruments of the latest generation.

The research team working in the TR Lab develops and tests innovative solutions, focusing on:
- identification, development and characterization of polyurethane blends;
- study of metal components for the production of castors offering optimized performance;
- research into new solutions for industrial load handling.

Tellure Rota

Networking excellence

The TR Lab is staffed by 6 researchers bringing a range of skills in chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering and mechatronics and with experience in the conceptualisation and development of industrial handling solutions.

The laboratory has been collaborating with research institutes at universities and in the private sector for many years, and is accredited with the Emilia-Romagna Region 'Rete Alta Tecnologia' technology network.
The facility is equipped with the instruments and skills needed to test our products in compliance with all the applicable international standards.

Visit the TR Lab site.

Tellure Rota